House and Hydrangea

While prowling around the historic district with my camera slung around my neck just in case, I found a wonderful huge hydrangea bush, heavy with blooms. The hydrangea was planted at the corner of the porch of one of the historic homes. The hydrangea, porch corner combination is a common theme here in the South. That and a bottle tree in the side yard.
I was so taken with the hydrangea, that I took a series of pictures. I just walked up into the yard and helped myself. I didn't get shot or dog-chased, so I guess I must be living right. I later went back to the house when the owners were at home and asked permission to use the photos. They didn't mind at all and were very proud of their house. You see the finished results, actually a composite of several pictures leaving out some of the leaf cover to reveal the most interesting features of the house.
The shadows cast on the side of the house by the oak (I think) tree helped to create the illusion that the house is of course is a big box. Sometimes, the solutioin to a problem is solved for you if you look around. This house is a box within a box, the wrap-around porch forming one box with the house being another box inside that one.
The more I paint, the more I love it.
You can contact me at 704-784-1549 if you have a beautiful home you would like a portrait of. I would love to paint it for you.
I was so taken with the hydrangea, that I took a series of pictures. I just walked up into the yard and helped myself. I didn't get shot or dog-chased, so I guess I must be living right. I later went back to the house when the owners were at home and asked permission to use the photos. They didn't mind at all and were very proud of their house. You see the finished results, actually a composite of several pictures leaving out some of the leaf cover to reveal the most interesting features of the house.
The shadows cast on the side of the house by the oak (I think) tree helped to create the illusion that the house is of course is a big box. Sometimes, the solutioin to a problem is solved for you if you look around. This house is a box within a box, the wrap-around porch forming one box with the house being another box inside that one.
The more I paint, the more I love it.
You can contact me at 704-784-1549 if you have a beautiful home you would like a portrait of. I would love to paint it for you.
Keep painting,
and yea art,
Diane Overcash
Original Art
21 Union Street South
Concord, NC 28025