How Much Joy Can You Stand

How Much Joy Can You Stand
I'm getting ready to submit a piece of artwork for a competition that a local bank is sponsoring. This prospect is unnerving to me because somewhere in the back of my mind I have a hard time separating what I imagine they are looking for and how a really want to paint the piece. I don't know who the judge is yet, and I don't think it is going to matter much. So, how about a new concept for me. Paint it the best I can and turn the darn thing in, on time. Then go on with my next project and stop worrying about it. I'll try that and see how it works.
Ok, for the next project. You know how much I like painting the figure (and painting in general). I love it. It is challenging and I get totally involved in it. Here is a hint. It involves baseball in the 1940's. It has something to do with "outlaws". And it wasn't my idea. It was Hank Utley's idea. I hope to have it well on the way by the next Art Walk on November 10.
For all you painters out there looking for a next project, try this. Look around you and find common-place, ordinary objects. The refigerator or kitchen cabinet is a great place to start. Paint a close up view of bright colorful jars of peaches and pickles with a cabbage. Turn the bottles and jars on their sides or arrange them in an interesting pattern. You don't have to find the "perfect" painting already there for you. You are the artist. Make something ordinary into an exciting, interesting piece of artwork. That's what we do. Inspiration is everywhere, just look for it. Here's a twist. Paint the objects the complement of their local color. Red pickles, purple bananas, blue peaches. I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
Now, I want to go work on the painting for the competition. Now, that I 'm not worried about pleasing anyone but me.
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